Describe what a day in the life of Mel Carrero looks like?

It’s so different but more the same since having a baby, ha! 
I go between working at Spell as Head Of Brand, my own content creation work, being a mama, as well as catching up with friends and family. It’s a big juggle! 
Day to day I’m working from home a lot, playing with Auri and trying to lap up nice time in the sun when it’s out, going for walks. When I’m at the office it’s literally go go go with meetings because I’m only part time at the moment!


You are a new Mum to your beautiful baby boy, how is motherhood treating you?

I love being a mum so much and it’s actually unfathomable how much you love your little baby, something I never knew was possible! It’s also hard, and imperfect! He’s not sleeping great right now (for the last 4 months, insert melty face emoji!) , but it’s all part of it! I forget anything bad as soon as I see his little face in the morning. 


What do you do to invest in your self care and self love?

I love making sure I use a skincare routine morning and night, even if it’s just moisturiser if I’m tired. I’ve been trying to get somewhat regular massages or facials - I’ve managed to have three massages since Auri was born - more than I’d normally get in this amount of time! I love to try and go for an afternoon walk and admittedly have dropped off on my at home Pilates since I started back at work… gotta get back into that because exercise = self love for me as much as I can avoid it, it makes me feel good! 


What is the best advice you have been given?

For being a mum : all they need is love, warmth and food. The rest will all be alright. 


What are your current can’t live without essentials in your bag?

Lanolips all over balm!

How would you describe your style in 3 words?

Eclectic, vintage, fun  

What’s your current obsession?

Whitney Port and her husband do reaction videos to series on her YouTube so I’m reliving The Hills with their commentary. It’s my wind down after Auri goes to bed, it’s amazing. 


What Luv Lou style are your favourite?

I love them all but The Dusty are my favourite all time sunnies and heaps of my friends have bought them after trying them on, and I constantly get messages about them! They are so comfy, so good on all face shapes I can’t rave about them enough!
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