Luv Lou has Coffee with Créme

What was the catalyst for Luv Lou?

We had always been drawn to the idea of working together and both had a history in fashion. Our love was always for eyewear and both had an endless supply of sunglasses in our handbags. We wanted to curate a brand that was born from a love of classic and authentic frames that effortlessly embellish your true self.

If you could share one insight or learning with regards to business, what would it be? 

 In business you are not meant to be an expert in all fields so be informed by others, ask questions and surround yourself with innovative people who inspire and strengthen you. 

What's been the biggest challenge with the business to date?

The biggest challenge to date is keeping up with the demands of running a business whilst working our part time jobs as a nurse and teacher. Luv Lou has taken us by surprise and is growing considerably and we notice the more love we put in the more it flourishes. The goal is to dedicate ourselves full time over the coming months and continue to grow organically. 

Highlight for Luv Lou so far?

The highlights are in everyday moments, simply walking around our area spotting Luv Lou. It was an exciting time to move into our office space at The Ware with other amazing creatives and see our warehouse grow. Further to this, launching on the Iconic has been an achievement for us and seeing our eyewear being embraced overseas by some of the big celebrities is extremely exciting. 

Where do you source inspiration for your upcoming collections and styles?

When planning upcoming collections and designing we source inspiration from various surroundings, simply from trends that we are observing internationally during fashion week to pinterest and looking back at the past and vintage styles making a return. So much inspiration can also come from photography books, celebrities and reinventing classic timeless styles from iconic women of the past.

Most exciting muse to be spotted in Luv Lou?

Kourtney Kardashian
Elsa Hosk
Vanessa Hudgens

What fuels you with regards to business? and how do you re energise?

Coffee. Our best ideas and most productive discussions occur with an oat latte in hand looking at the beautiful ocean. The fresh air and natural endorphins from being outside amongst nature re energizes us and fuels us to be productive and plan for the week ahead.

What are your top tools you couldn't run your business without?

Shopify app! Allows us to constantly stay up to date with the business no matter where we are! Hospital, home, or even away! We would also be lost without the inspiration/marketing opportunities that evolve from Instagram.


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